If you are a charity or small to medium-sized enterprise (SME), there are several reasons why you should consider Cyber Essentials certification:
Protection against cyber attacks: Cyber Essentials is a UK government-backed certification scheme that helps organizations protect themselves against common cyber threats. By achieving Cyber Essentials certification, your charity or SME can demonstrate that it has taken the necessary steps to protect itself against cyber attacks.
Compliance with regulations: Cyber Essentials certification can help you comply with various data protection and cybersecurity regulations. For example, in the UK, the certificate is mandatory for specific government contracts that handle sensitive data.
Enhancing your reputation: Cyber Essentials certification can improve your reputation as an organization that takes cybersecurity seriously. By displaying the Cyber Essentials logo on your website and marketing materials, you can demonstrate to stakeholders that you have taken steps to protect their data.
Cost-effective: Cyber Essentials certification is a cost-effective way to improve your cybersecurity. The scheme is designed to be accessible and affordable for SMEs and charities, with costs starting from as little as £300.
In partnership with ISAME, Forti5 can offer a one-year complimentary cyber insurance of £25K is available for organizations.
Business growth: Cyber Essentials certification can help you win new business and secure contracts. Many organizations now require their suppliers to have Cyber Essentials certification, so achieving it can open up new business opportunities for your charity or SME.
Overall, Forti5 Technologies can assist you with your Cyber Essentials certification and help your charity or SME protect against cyber threats, comply with regulations, enhance your reputation, be cost-effective, and facilitate business growth.